Our students enjoy an active and engaging curriculum which caters for their specific needs while accelerating their learning.
Our teaching approach ensures that students make strong connections between their prior knowledge and new learning.
Students are fully involved in their learning. They talk about their learning levels, learning progress and next-step goals.
Teachers and students use computers to support learning when appropriate. Year 1-3 students use school iPads and Year 4-8 students use the school Chromebooks. Students may bring their own device in the senior years, however there are plenty of school devices available. Computers are generally used to support curriculum learning for up to a third of the time.
We encourage our children to be curious about the world around them and to use their knowledge and skills to problem-solve.
Our curriculum includes planned E.O.T.C., Arts and Cultural events. In 2019 we have a whole school production (play) and Senior Camp taking place alongside termly trips and events.
Our families are welcome in our classrooms at any time. Parent/student/teacher meetings are held throughout the year on days which suit families. They don't have a set finish time to allow for extended conversations.