Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are a range of Frequently Asked Questions. Please contact our School Office for further details or information.
Is my child eligible to attend Woodhill School? How do I enrol my child?
Yes, Woodhill School does not have an enrolment zone and therefore accepts enrolments for all students in Years 1 - 8 (5 years - 13 years).
The enrolment process begins with a meeting with the principal - Dawn Fenn. Please phone the School Office on 09 420 8108 to request a meeting time.
Following this meeting, please complete the Woodhill School Enrolment Form via this link.
How do I transition my child to Woodhill School?
We suggest that students have at least three transition visits before beginning school in Year 1. Our junior teacher will work with you to find times and dates that suit. It is often most helpful for students to experience the beginning-of-day routines before staying for longer periods of time. A designated caregiver will need to stay onsite during these visits.
We suggest that older students visit our school before enrolment, however this is not necessary.
How do I purchase a school uniform?
The school colours are black and gold. Uniforms are available online through NZ Uniforms. Samples can be viewed in the School Office. We have some new and pre-loved uniforms available for sale on site.
Uniform shown:
Black polo shirt
Black sweatshirt
Uniform shown:
Gold polo shirt
Black and gold fleece
When does school start and finish each day?
School begins at 8.30am and finishes at 2.30pm each day.
What does teaching and learning look like with multiple year groups in a class?
Our classes are made up of more than one year group. Teachers plan learning based on students' changing needs rather than a year-group expectation. Teachers know the curriculum levels well and students experience the flexibility of a more personalised learning programme. Students are able to move as quickly as they are able, through the curriculum levels.
What support programmes does the school have?
We have a range of learners at Woodhill School. The school adapts the curriculum for students who have additional needs. These may be students requiring additional support or extension. There are a variety of interventions and programmes in place. Please ask the school about your child's specific needs.
What is the culture of Woodhill School?
Woodhill School is characterised by its calm and positive atmosphere where everyone is 'known' and accepted.
The children are active, enthusiastic and friendly. All ages play together at break times and they are especially caring towards each other.
Everyone in our community values learning and works together to support our school and tamariki.
Our families and community members play an important role in our school and we value their input and 'voice'. We enjoy and benefit from working together on projects that bring ideas to life for the benefit of our children.
We place a high priority on providing our students with varied learning experiences. This includes many trips outside of our school.
We are one of the oldest schools in New Zealand and have families spanning many generations. We feel very special to have such a rich history and value our whānau and Whiti te ra o Reweti Marae who strengthen our school.