Ka manaaki, ka ako, ka whakawhanake
To Care, To Learn, To Grow
Tena koutou e ngā whānau
Greetings to all families
Welcome to Woodhill. We are situated between Helensville and Waimauku on the outskirts of Auckland. Our families enjoy the advantages of our beautiful rural environment, while having the opportunities of the city on our doorstep.
At Woodhill we support our children to ‘Care, Learn and Grow’ to the highest standards. All students have access to a broad curriculum that enhances their strengths and meets their needs. Students enjoy learning and progressing at their own level in our small classes. Our children have high levels of curiosity and enjoy inquiring about the world around them.
Communication is a strength of the school and there are close relationships between students, parents and teachers, who engage together daily.
We are very proud of our confident students who achieve academic success, have a strong sense of identity, excellent communication skills, and perform well across the arts and in sports.
Our children are supported by passionate staff, supportive families and a dedicated Board of Trustees. Whānau are fully involved in school life: helping in and around the school, supporting students' learning, coaching and managing sports, and attending trips and events. We are also well supported by local iwi, Ngati Whatua o Kaipara and Whiti te ra o Reweti Marae.
If you would like to find out more about Woodhill School, please get in touch with us. You will find information about enrolment and transitions in the FAQ page on this website. We look forward to meeting you.
Dawn Fenn